On Tuesday, June 15th two Long Island not-for-profit organizations, Options for Community Living, Inc. and Long Island Cares, teamed up to provide food for area residents in need.
Long Island Cares’ Mobile Outreach Resource Enterprise (MORE) arrived at Options’ administrative office in Ronkonkoma at 10 am to distribute food and provide additional resources. At the same time, outreach workers from Options for Community Living, Inc. provided information about rental assistance programs, care coordination services, and housing programs. It was a “win-win” for everyone in attendance as resources were shared and 47 households were provided with a three-day supply of prepackaged, nonperishable food.
“This year has been challenging in so many ways,” said Options CEO, Yolanda Robano-Gross. “As we recover from the impact of the pandemic, food insecurity continues to be an issue for many households. Options is happy to host a Long Island Cares MORE Distribution Day at our site to help support the need in our community.”
About Long Island Cares, Inc.
Founded by the late Harry Chapin, Long Island Cares brings together all available resources for the benefit of the hungry and food insecure on Long Island and, to the best of our ability, provides for the humanitarian needs of our community. Our goals are to improve food security for families, sponsor programs that help families achieve self-sufficiency, and educate the general public about the causes and consequences of hunger on Long Island. Our vision is A Hunger Free Long Island. Long Island Cares, Inc. – The Harry Chapin Regional Food Bank has a 4-star rating by Charity Navigator as well as earning Guidestar’s Platinum Seal of Transparency.