Options’ staff member Carisa Kvalvik is the recipient of the Justice Center’s 2017 Code of Conduct Recognition Award for exemplifying the ethical standards outlined in the Code of Conduct for Custodians of People with Special Needs. The Code provides a framework to help people with special needs to “live self-directed, meaningful lives in their communities, free from abuse and neglect and protected from harm.”
A resident of Farmingville, she has worked at Options for Community Living, Inc for the past seven years and is currently an activities of daily living specialist assisting residents who are recovering from mental illness. The Justice Center recognized Kvalvik for her exceptional commitment to the people she serves and her ability to help residents develop skills that support their personal recovery and goal attainment.
“We are so proud of Carisa,” said Yolanda Robano-Gross, executive director, Options for Community Living. “The Justice Center’s award is particularly well deserved because it recognizes all of the qualities that Carisa exemplifies: respect, dignity and care for the individual. She consistently performs her job with compassion, professionalism and a smile on her face. ”
Kvalvik received a Bachelor’s degree in human relations from St. Joseph’s College. She began her career with Options as a community residence counselor before assuming her current position.
“I am grateful for the nomination and proud to be a recipient of the Justice Center Code of Conduct Recognition Award,” said Carisa Kvalvik. “We (at Options) all strive to help our residents reach the greatest success they hope to achieve. I’m truly humbled by this recognition.”