Options for Community Living, Inc. (Options) is pleased to announce that it has received a $10,000 Community Partner grant from United Way of Long Island. The funding will support programs for Long Islanders in need of affordable supportive housing and case management services. Options assisted more than 2,300 Long Islanders with their housing and service needs last year.
“Our programs serve some of the area’s most vulnerable residents. For many, our housing is the first safe and stable home that they have known in years,” said Yolanda Robano-Gross, Options Executive Director. “We are grateful to United Way for their partnership and for their commitment to creating lasting change that lifts up everyone.”
Options provides Medicaid funded comprehensive care management for adults and children with multiple chronic illnesses, serious mental illness, or HIV/AIDS. Housing programs are affordable and provide specialized support to help people struggling with illness or disability to lead stable, more independent lives. Additional home and community-based case management services help program participants improve their health and remove barriers that prevent retention in care and treatment.
“We couldn’t do the work that we do without our community partner agencies and the contributions they make to the residents of Long Island,” said Theresa A. Regnante, President and CEO of United Way of Long Island. “By providing funding to these organizations, it shows that they meet the highest standards of excellence in the not-for-profit sector.”
About United Way of Long Island
United Way fights for the health, education and financial stability of every person in every community. We recruit people and organizations that bring the passion, expertise and resources needed to get things done. LIVE UNITED® is a call to action for everyone to become part of the change. United Way of Long Island is part of a worldwide network spanning across 41 countries and territories, including more than 1,200 local organizations in the U.S. For more information about United Way of Long Island, please visit UnitedWayLI.org.